
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The effects of settlement on the living conditions of Indigenous and Inuit people

The patience of the Inuit could pass for passivity but behind their serene equanimity hides a resilient people, of a curious and enterprising nature. They are patient and not passive. Arctic populations are somewhat in the image of their environment. Behind their nonchalant affability, they are exotic, adventurous, formidable survivors with an unusual inner strength in an adverse environment.

Their remoteness has been instrumental in cementing families together 

For understandable reasons, their remoteness has been instrumental in cementing families together. Once nomadic tribes, since colonization, the Inuit population finds itself increasingly sedentary. Now characterized by economic and social structures somewhat similar to ours, 62% of the population experience a delicate situation, that of an almost permanent state of food insecurity. This and other dealings with white people has left in the minds of its people and its children an indelible impression of loss and helplessness.

This population still dedicates a huge respect to the land

Composed mostly of vast rocky expanses called tundra, this formerly nomadic population constantly moving in search of new hunting grounds, still dedicates a huge respect to the land. Basic food remains closely linked to marine and wild meat. Their knowledge, developed over a long period of time, because of their experience and interaction on the toundra, was motivated by survival and / or many years of observation.

Commercial foods have replaced food staples

Under the colder northern latitudes, fish and meat still provide the daily protein menu, and fuel for kudlik (traditional lamp). But gradually, the commercial foods have replaced food staples, which eventually have generated western diseases such as diabetes, hypertension. The growing poverty of parts of their population is a deterrent to making their known livelihood derived from traditional food.

A source of dismay and discontent, the effects of the settlement are felt especially among youths, mostly educated through information from the WEB platform, whose health are seriously affected.

A taste of solidarity 

In our affluent society of Canada, it is difficult to imagine the scope of poverty and tragedy of the First Nations and Inuit populations. Although the daily media give us vivid images of Third World countries, we hear few stories of miseries experienced by our own people.

Beyond the media images that speak of their identity and their disconnection with their communities, in the dominant thought, this people seldom seem the subject of a cause.

What about our relationship with the founding peoples of this great country? This text is addressed to all those who wish to act so that the order of things changes; also for those who are willing to engage in a broad solidarity movement in favor of greater justice for all.

Signing a petition is a first step to empower the mothers and to reduce placements of the children
Like all that matters, we have to make the connections with what we can all do to help. This petition to be given to PM Justin Trudeau hopes to restore dignity but also their rights to a stable family and harmonious community.

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